
Chemistry and Material Department

Title Authors Date

Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Adsorbents Based on Functionalization of Graphene Oxide with Schiff Base and Reduced Schiff Base for Pesticide Removal

Narinj Taghiyeva, Ulviyya Hasanova, Maurice Millet, Carole Gardiennet, Zarema Gakhramanova, Mushfig H. Mirzayev, Lala Gahramanli, Cuong Pham-Huu, Solmaz Aliyeva, Gunel Aliyeva, Fuad Rzayev, Eldar Gasimov, Corentin Boulogne, Haji Vahid Akhundzada

August 2024

All-MXene electronic tongue for neurotransmitters detection

Murilo H.M. Facure, Gulnaz Gahramanova, Danzhen Zhang, Teng Zhang, Christopher E. Shuck, Luiza A. Mercante, Daniel S. Correa, Yury Gogotsi


Phase relations in the Bi2–Bi2Se3–Bi2Te3 system and characterization of solid solutions // Azerb.Chem.J., 2024, N1, p. 76-88.

Aghazade A.İ., Babanly D.M., Zeynalova G.S., Qasymov V.A., S.Z.İmamaliyeva.


Phase Diagrams in the Development of the Argyrodite Family Compounds and Solid Solutions Based on Them. // J. Phase Equilib. Diffus

Babanly M.B., Yusibov Y. A., Imamaliyeva S.Z. Babanly D.M., Alverdiyev I.J. al.


Phase Relations in the Cu-As-S System and Thermodynamic Properties of Copper-Arsenic Sulfides. J. Phase Equilib. Diffus. (2024).

Mashadiyeva, L.F., Babanly, D.M., Hasanova, Z.T. et al.


Study of the solid-phase equilibria in the GeTe-Bi2Te3-Te system and thermodynamic properties of GeTe-rich germanium bismuth tellurides. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2024, 196, 107323.

E.N. Orujlu, D.M. Babanly, T.M. Alakbarova, N.I. Orujov, M.B. Babanly


Solid – phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of the Sb-Te-S system. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 2024, 25(1), 26–34.

Aliyev, F., Orujlu, E., Mashadiyeva, L., Dashdiyeva, G., & Babanly, D.



Bahbud Ibrahimov

April 2024

New insights into phase equilibria of the SnTe–Bi2Te3 pseudo-binary system: Synthesis and crystal structure of new tetradymite-type compound Sn3Bi2Te6

Elnur N. Orujlu, Aynur E. Seidzade, Dunya M. Babanly, Imamaddin R. Amiraslanov, Mahammad B. Babanly

February 2024

Synthesis and characterization of carboxylic- and amine-grafted FAU zeolites as inorganic fillers to design biocompatible composites

Thomas Menard, Baylar Zarbaliyev, Aline Echalard, Erika Bullier-Marchandin, Fanny Gens, Guy Ladam, Narmina Guliyeva, Benoît Louis, Gaëtan Lutzweiler

January 2024


F.R. Aliyev, E.N. Orujlu, D.M. Babanly, A.L. Mustafayeva

June 2023

The Power of Carbon Nanotubes on Sensitive Drug Determination Methods

Nurgul K. Bakirhan, S. Irem Kaya, Rasim Jabbarov, Gulnaz Gahramanova, Sevda Abdullayeva, Aylin Dedeoglu, Cansel Kose Ozkan, Ayhan Savaser, Yalcin Ozkan, Sibel A. Ozkan

01 August 2021

Phase relations in the CuI-SbSI-SbI3 composition range of the Cu–Sb–S–I quaternary system

Parvin R. Mammadli, Vagif A. Gasymov, Ganira B. Dashdiyeva, Dunya M. Babanly

4 June 2021

Thermodynamic Properties of Bismuth Selenides

G. S. Hasanova, A. I. Aghazade, D. M. Babanly, D. B. Tagiev, Yu. A. Yusibov, M. B. Babanly

31 May 2021

Solid-Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties of Phases in the Tm–Te System

S. Z. Imamaliyeva, I. F. Mekhdiyeva, V. A. Gasymov, D. M. Babanly, D. B. Tagiev & M. B. Babanly

31 May 2021

New Thallium Dysprosium Tellurides and Phase Equilibria in the System Tl2Te–Tl5Te3–Tl4DyTe3

S. Z. Imamaliyeva, D. M. Babanly, V. A. Gasymov & M. B. Babanly

27 April 2021

Thermodynamic Study of the Ag–Sb–Se System by the EMF Method with Ag4RbI5 Solid Electrolyte

L. F. Mashadieva, D. M. Babanly, Yu. A. Yusibov, D. B. Tagiev, M. B. Babanly

26 April 2021

The Quasi-Ternary System Bi2S3–Bi2Te3–BiI3


Elvin Ahmadov, Dunya Babanly, Samira Imamaliyeva, Ziya Aliev

April 2021

Solid-Phase Equilibria in the Cu-Sb-S System and Thermodynamic Properties of Copper-Antimony Sulfides

Leyla F. Mashadiyeva, Parvin R. Mammadli, Dunya M. Babanly, Garay M. Ashirov, Andrei V. Shevelkov, Yusif A. Yusibov

30 March 2021

Solid-phase Relationships in the Tl2Te-Tl2Te3-TlTbTe2 System and Thermodynamic Properties of Thallium–Terbium Tellurides


S. Imamaliyeva, D. Babanly, Vagif A. Qasymov, M. Babanly

24 March 2021

Electrodeposition and Growth of Iron from an Ethylene Glycol Solution

Vusala Asim Majidzade, Akif Shikhan Aliyev, Mahmoud Elrouby, Dunya Mahammad Babanly and Dilgam Babir Tagiyev

20 March 2021

Electrodeposition and Growth of Iron from an Ethylene Glycol Solution

Vusala Asim Majidzade, Akif Shikhan Aliyev, Mahmoud El-rouby, Dunya Mahammad Babanly, Dilgam Babir Tagiyev

20 March 2021

Phase relations in the Tl2 Te–TlBiТe2 –TlTbTe2 system

Samira Z. Imamaliyeva, Ganira I Alakbarzade, Dunya M. Babanly, Marina V. Bulanova, Vagif A. Gasymov, Mahammad B. Babanly

16 March 2021

Thermodynamic study of a synthetic analog of the famatinite mineral - Cu3SbS4

P.R. Mammadli, L.F. Mashadiyeva, Z.T. Hasanova, D.M. Babanly

24 February 2021

Diagram of Solid-Phase Equilibria in the SnSe–Sb2Se3–Se System and Thermodynamic Properties of Tin Antimony Selenides


E.N. Ismailova, L.F. Mashadiyeva, D.M.Babanly, A.V.Shevelkov

February 2021

Study of electrochemical deposition of Ni-Mo thin films from alkaline electrolytes

Ulviyya Gurbanova, Dunya Babanly, Dilgam Tagiyev

25 December 2020

Thermodynamic Properties of Terbium Tellurides


Samira Imamaliyeva, Dunya Babanly, Mahammad Babanly, Vladimir Zlomanov

December 2020

Physicochemical Analysis of the FeSe–Ga2Se3–In2Se3 System

F. M. Mamedov, D. M. Babanly, I. R. Amiraslanov, D. B. Tagiev, M. B. Babanly

17 November 2020

Solid-Phase Equilibria in the Tl2Te–Tl2Te3–TlErTe2 System and the Thermodynamic Properties of the Tl9ErTe6 and TlErTe2 Compounds


Samira Imamaliyeva, Ilaha Mekhdiyeva, Dunya Babanly, Mahammad Babanly, Vladimir Zlomanov

November 2020

Phase Equilibria in the Ag2Te-PbTe-Sb2Te3 System and Thermodynamic Properties of the (2PbTe)1-x(AgSbTe2)x Solid Solutions

Leyla Farhad Mashadiyeva, Shabnam Hamlet Mansimova, Dunya Mahammad Babanly, Yusif Amirali Yusibov, Dilqam Babir Tagiyev, Mahammad Baba Babanly

23 September 2020

Geoscience Department

Title Authors Date

Compaction and Permeability Evolution of Tuffs from Krafla Volcano (Iceland)

Michael J. Heap, Kamal Bayramov, Gabriel G. Meyer, Marie E. S. Violay, Thierry Reuschlé, Patrick Baud, H. Albert Gilg, Claire E. Harnett, Alexandra R. L. Kushnir, Francesco Lazari, Anette K. Mortensen

August 2024

SEG Summer Field Camp: Multigeophysical imaging of an aquifer in the Astara region of Azerbaijan

Jodry, C., Dashgin, A., Bayramov, Z., Aliyev, J., Karimova, N., Abdulla-zada, M.

July 2024

Radiolytic degradation of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) in some organic solvents by gamma rays: The kinetic properties of complete dechlorination of TCB and its pathway

Samir Karimov, Elshad Abdullayev, Maurice Millet, Muslum Gurbanov

May 2024

Выделение больших песчаных тел и их трехмерное моделирование на примере подкирмакинской свиты плиоцена южно-каспийского бассейна, Азербайджан at «Международная научно-техническая конференция «Актуальные проблемы нефтегазовой геологии и освоения углеводородного потенциала недр и пути их решения». (Акрамходжаевские чтения)». Ташкент, Узбекистан. УДК 551.14:550.83;551.24:550.83. 12 октября.

Асланзаде Ф., Шустер М., Абдуллаев Э., Бозетти Г.

12 October 2023

Hydrogeophysical imaging of an aquifer in the Talysh mountain area, Azerbaijan, abstract presented at EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April.

Jodry, C., Bayramov, K., Alizada, G., Karimova, N.

23-28 April 2023

Geophysical investigation of kurgans in Uzun Rama steppe, Goranboy region, Azerbaijan, abstract presented at EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April.

Bayramov, K., Jodry, C., Alizada, G., Mammadov, S., Azimov, V., Abdullayev, M.

23-28 April 2023

Mud volcanism and creeping mud flow, abstract presented at EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria

Mazzini, A., Jodry, C., Broz, P., Akhmanov, G., Blahůt, J., Lupi, M., Karimova, N., Braize, Nobile, A., Khasayeva-Huseynova, A., Guliyev, I.

23-28 April 2023

Influence of High Temperature on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Porous Limestone from Baku (Azerbaijan). Fire, 6(7), 263.

Jodry, C., Heap, M. J., Bayramov, K., Alizada, G., Rustamova, S., & Nabiyeva, S.


Archeological Geophysical Investigation of Uzun Rama Steppe Kurgans, Goranboy, The Leading Edge.

Bayramov, K., Alizada, G., Mammadov, S., Azimov, V., Abdullayev, M., Jodry, C., Bano, M.


Sand bodies of the Productive Series from the South Caspian Basin (Pliocene, Azerbaijan): their 3D geometry, spatial distribution, and significance for clastic georeservoirs and paleoenvironments at XVIII th French Congress of Sedimentology. Brest, France. Poster session.

Schuster, M., Aslanzada, F.,  E. Abdullayev, Bozetti, G.

28-30 September 2022

Machine Learning Application to Identify Rock Lithotypes vs Facies at SEG Workshop. APPLICATIONS OF MACHINE LEARNING AND AI IN GEOPHYSICS

Aslanzada, F., Abdulkarimova, U.

10-13 May 2022

K-means clustering on seismic and electrical resistivity data for geological facies identification: application on the Strengbach catchment, France, abstract presented in SEG Virtual workshop on AI and machine learning in geophysics

Jodry, C., Lesparre, N., Girard, J-F., Bayramov, K., Alizada, G.

10-13 May 2022

Use of Electrical Resistivity Tomography to characterize fluid pathways on the Saribokha mud volcano, Azerbaijan, abstract presented at EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria

Malikov, R., Karimova, N., Jodry, C.

23-27 May 2022

Depth and Disjunctive Tectonics of the Mesozoic Sediments of the Evlakh-Agdzhebedi Oil and Gas-Bearing Area According to Geophysical Data (Azerbaijan). GeoScience – 2022 - №1. УДК 551.24.

Aslanov, B., S., Khuduzadeh, A., I., Aslanzade, F., B.


Geodynamic settings and prediction of oil and gas occurrence in Yevlakh-Agdzhebedi area (Azerbaijan). Геология Нефти и Газа / Russian Oil and Gas Geology.

DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-1-25-30

Aslanov, B., Khuduzade, A., Aslanzada, F.


Multi-geophysical field measurements to characterize lithological and hydraulic properties of a multi-scale karstic and fractured limestone vadose zone: Beauce aquifer (O-ZNS). In E-book: Instrumentation and Measurement Technologies for Water Cycle Management. Springer eBook ISBN 978-3-031-08262-7

Mallet, C., Jodry, C., Isch, A., Laurent, G., Deparis, J., Azaroual, M.


Geophysical characterization and determination of Archie’s and CRIM’s petrophysical parameters by integrating geophysical and hydrogeological data at a limestone vadose zone in Orléans, France. Journal of Hydrology.


Abbas, M., Deparis, J., Isch, A., Mallet, C., Jodry, C., Azaroual, M., Abbar, B., Baltassat, J-M.


Integrated static and dynamic geophysical and geomechanical data for characterization of transport properties. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 153, 105050.


Mallet, C., Isch, A., Laurent, G., Jodry, C., Azaroual, M.


The Study of the Early Pliocene Reservoir Western South-Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan at Congress des Doctorants. Strasbourg, France. Poster session.

Aslanzada, F., Schuster, M., Abdullayev, E.


Tectonic Criteria of Oil and GAS Potential at the Transitional Part of the "Susha-sea" Along the Western Coast of the South Caspian Depression at SPE Virtual Annual Caspian Technical Conference, Online

Aslanov, B.,  Aslanzada, F., Khuduzade, A.

05-07 October 2021

Observatory of Transfers in the Vadose Zone “O-ZNS” (in Orléans, France): Instrumentation strategy and installation of fiber optic sensors (DTS, DAS and DSS),  abstract presented at EGU General Assembly 2021

Abbar, B., Isch, A., Mallet, C., Jodry, C., Gautier, L., Abbas, M., Azaroual, M.

19-31 April 2021

Characterizing the vadose zone transport dynamics by using a multi-method hydrogeophysical approach, abstract presented at NSG2021 1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics.


Abbas, M., Mallet, C., Jodry, C., Baltassat, J-M., Deparis, J., Isch, A., Azaroual, M.


Hydrogeophysical characterization and determination of petrophysical and hydrodynamic parameters at the O-ZNS observatory of the vadose zone, abstract presented at AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, .


Abbas, M., Deparis, J., Isch, A., Mallet, C., Jodry, C., Baltassat, J-M., Abbar, B., Azaroual, M.

13-17 December 2021

Caractérisation de l'hétérogénéité de la zone non-saturée a l'observatoire O-ZNS par une approche hydrogéophysique multi-méthodes, abstract presented at 12th GEOFCAN Colloque, Online

Abbas, M., Jodry, C., Mallet, C., Azaroual, M.

9-10 March 2021

Трёхмерная фациальная модель по методике MPS (Multiple Point Geostatistics Simulation) на примере свиты «Фасиля» Продуктивной Толщи месторождения Бахар, западный борт Южно-Каспийского Бассейна (Азербайджан). Vector of Geosciences. 4(3) 2021.

DOI: 10.24412/2619-0761-2021-3-5-15

Aslanzade Fidan


New data on deep-seated folding of Mesozoic series (by the example of Yevlakh-Agdzhabedinsky Trough, Azerbaijan)


B.S.Aslanov, Arastun Khuduzade, Fidan Aslanzade

June 2020

Tectonic features and oil and gas potential of the Mesozoic sediments of the Yevlakh-Agjabadi trough according to regional geophysical studies (Azerbaijan).

DOI: 10.24411/2619-0761-2020-10003

Fidan Aslanzade


Study of linearly extended zone of south part of Caspian Sea and Zagrossky overlap fault on the basis of the geology-geophysical data.

Науки о Земле / GeoScience – 2020 - №1. 551.24.

Aslanov, B., S., Khuduzade, A., I., Asgerova, R., Aslanzada, F.


Computer Sciences Department

Title Authors Date

Transfer Learning with Inflated 3D CNN for Word-Level Recognition for Azerbaijani Sign Language.

Nigar Alishzade and Gulchin Abdullayeva

August 2024

Co-editors of “Complex Computational Ecosystems”, Part of the book series “Lecture Notes in Computer Science”, volume 13927

Samer El Zant, Ulviya Abdulkarimova et al

December 2023

Estimation of Seismic Phase Delays Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Ulviya Abdulkarimova, Franck Latallerie, Leyla Gasimova, Alessia Maggi

26 October 2023

Modeling El Niño and La Niña Events Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Ulviya Abdulkarimova, Rodrigo Abarca-del-Rio

26 October 2023

Development of a hybrid word recognition system and dataset for the Azerbaijani Sign Language dactyl alphabet. Speech Commun. 153, C

Jamaladdin Hasanov, Nigar Alishzade, Aykhan Nazimzade, Samir Dadashzade, and Toghrul Tahirov

September 2023

A Comparative Study of YOLO V4 and V5 Architectures on Pavement Cracks Using Region-Based Detection. In: Collet, P., Gardashova, L., El Zant, S., Abdulkarimova, U. (eds) Complex Computational Ecosystems. CCE 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13927. Springer, Cham.

R. Fatali, S. El Zant, G. Safarli, and Rabih Amhaz


Modeling El Niño and La Niña Events Using Evolutionary Algorithms. In: Collet, P., Gardashova, L., El Zant, S., Abdulkarimova, U. (eds) Complex Computational Ecosystems. CCE 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13927. Springer, Cham.

Abdulkarimova, U. Abarca del Rio, R.


Estimation of Seismic Phase Delays Using Evolutionary Algorithms. In: Collet, P., Gardashova, L., El Zant, S., Abdulkarimova, U. (eds) Complex Computational Ecosystems. CCE 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13927. Springer, Cham.

Abdulkarimova, U., Latallerie, F., Gasimova, L., Maggi, A.


An Operational Architecture for Knowledge Graph-Based Systems. KES 2022: Procedia Computer Science, 1667-1676.

Matthias Sesboüé, Nicolas Delestre, Jean-Philippe Kotowicz, Ali Khudiyev, Cecilia Zanni-Merk


Super-Resolutive Genetic Algorithm for Improved FT-ICR MS Resolution. International Mass Spectrometry Conference

Marc Haegelin, Ulviya Abdulkarimova , Pierre Collet, Christian Rolando

27 August-2 September 2022

Avoiding the Overspecialization of Recommender Systems in Tourism with Semantic Trajectories, Initial Thoughts. KES2022: Procedia Computer Science, 1933-1942.

Mathieu Bourgais, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Rauf Fatali, Nadir Alizada


Tracing and analyzing COVID-19 dissemination using knowledge graphs. KES2022: Procedia Computer Science, 2172-2181.

Gabriel H. A. Medeiros, Lina Fatima Soualmia, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Ramiz Hagverdiyev


Super-resolved spectra from FT-ICR or Orbitrap MS sum of damped sine transients by non-Fourier Transform genetic evolution algorithm. ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. June 2022. Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN.

Marc Haegelin, Ulviya Abdulkarimova, Christian Rolando, Pierre Collet

June 2022

Comparing different computation methods of Reduced Google Matrix”, 7th International Conference on Big Data and Computing (ICBDC ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 67–74

S. El Zant

May 2022

Quantum-Inspired Algorithm with Evolution Strategy

Anna Ouskova Leonteva, Ulviya Abdulkarimova, Anne Jeannin-Girardon, Michel Risser, Pierre Parrend & Pierre Collet

30 November 2020

The Impact of Website Quality on Online Purchase Intention of Organic Food in Malaysia: A WebQual Model Approach

Jasur Hasanov, Haliyana Khalid