Research seminars

What is a Guest Lecture and how do students/visitors benefit from it?

In-class learning covers the theoretical part, and lab work is about applying that theory in practice. Meanwhile, guest lectures are giving our students and visitors a chance to see the big picture of what is happening on the world-scale agenda. It also allows them to network and meet high-level experts and people in the industrial world who can share their real-life stories from their own experiences and give valuable pieces of advice for potential career paths.

The mission of the guest lectures is to inform, motivate, provoke debates and encourage critical thinking. Our speakers are global leaders and shapers in their fields, and they always have a very different perspective to elaborate on during the lecture.

Guest lectures organized at UFAZ provide the opportunity for students to discuss trending topics with guest speakers who are experts in different fields, including engineering, to create an ongoing dialogue and stimulate creative thinking.

Most of our guest lectures are free and open to the public, subject to availability, and upon registration, please email

Anyone interested in giving a guest lecture at UFAZ can also contact the university at