University of Strasbourg

The University of Strasbourg was founded in the 16th century by a protestant scholar Johannes Sturm. Through the years, the Gymnasium progressively developed into an Academy and a University before it finally became the Royal University in 1631. The University benefited from this development through the creation of libraries and institutes, the collaboration with eminent scholars and the diversification of academic disciplines. Today Strasbourg is the second most international University City in France (after Paris). It counts 42000 students, offers initial and further education in a wide range of academic fields and is an international player in scientific research. The University of Strasbourg is a public higher education institution with a scientific, cultural and professional vocation. It is composed of several departments of studies, central services and a governance body headed by an elected president. It is driven by the ambition to rank among the best research universities. Unistra has 73 research units and 6 research federations covering a broad range of academic disciplines. All research units are members of one of the university’s ten doctoral schools. The University of Strasbourg is also home for currently teaching Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry and Physics.
Université de Strasbourg, 4 rue Blaise Pascal CS 90032 F-67081 Strasbourg cedex
Tel: +33 (0)3 68 85 00 00