Mission, Vision, and Values

- Create in Baku, a scientific university of excellence of international level and regional influence;
- Create and develop university cooperation between France and Azerbaijan supporting the reform of Azerbaijani scientific higher education;
- Deliver study programs based on training through scientific experimentation and training by project work in a company or in a research laboratory;
- Train, in collaboration with the business world, English and French-speaking human resources in the fields of science and technology for the socio-economic development of Azerbaijan.
The vision of UFAZ is to offer local and international students:
- Training opening access to the functions of senior executives;
- Study programs, which allow acquiring the mastery of the fundamental concepts necessary for the understanding of the major current and future scientific, technological, and environmental issues;
- Teaching methods focused on student learning and based on problem-solving, experimental practice, investigation and scientific integrity;
- A study environment, which includes an initiation into research and training through research in relation to internationally recognized research teams.
Curiosity and critical thinking: our pedagogical and research activities are underpinned by the principles of curiosity and critical thinking, which allows for approaching things and situations from original and innovative perspectives and for generating new opportunities
Teamwork: we importantly value cooperation and work in teams, striving to bring people to work together on every occasion, whether it would be inside or outside of the university. We believe that no one can produce impact while standing alone, hence building ties and collaborating together make stronger us and all our partners
Commitment and orientation towards results: we stay highly committed in all we do, with a strong focus on results in terms of student competencies and their further study and employability prospective.