Application Call for SIACAS (

SIACAS, Study in Azerbaijan Centralized Admission Service, is an online platform located at and organising the admission of international students to secondary special and higher education institutions (e.g. universities, academies, colleges, conservatory, etc.) in Azerbaijan. Everybody wishing to study in Azerbaijan may register via SIACAS, choose the institution and speciality he/she is interested in and apply free of charge. The submitted application is redirected to the respective institution for assessment. Once an initial decision is made, a notification appears in the applicant’s personal account. Depending on the institution’s reaction to the application, the applicant may be asked to submit additional documents, participate in an online or offline interview and/or make a payment. After all the issues between the applicant and the institution are settled, the admission process ends and the to-be student may proceed with accommodation, visa, travel and other related concerns.
A video-instruction on how to apply via SIACAS
For information and assistance related to the functioning of SIACAS, please email
For information and assistance related to the program you wish to study, please email the respective educational institution.